
I would like to say Welcome....... This blog has been established to encourage women to an abundant life of wellness, balance and unshakeable faith. You will find words of encouragement, bits of laughter, favorite quotes/sayings, health and wellness tips, new recipes and just plain ole girl fun.

Oh, for those of you who do not know the reason for "Queenie," ( hence the crown) my husband gave me that nick- name shortly after we started dating. I like to think that my Queen status gives me some pull around here and maybe sometimes it does. (ha)

It would just thrill me if you would SIGN UP and follow along. Feel free to join in with your comments. Your always welcome to send in your ideas and contribution to me at queeniescafe@gmail.com It would be my honor to hear from YOU.

Come on don't be shy... We need you to be a part of Queenie's Café'.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Have you been Neutered????

I'm sure that question got your attention???? We took our Boxer to be neutered yesterday and it really got me to thinking. About half way there we thought," Are we doing the right thing?" We concluded that we were and continued on. We picked him up late yesterday afternoon and he was feeling Terrible.... I mean capital T terrible. I got his bed fixed and checked on him all night long. I petted him throughout the night trying to show him some comfort. THEN about 4 am this morning it hit me. "What if I had been neutered?" Not in the sense of a dog but in life. Have you ever been Neutered. Something taken away from you that left you sick, broken-hearted, feeling despair. I'm sure we all have. What do we do when we lose something?? What if it is simply that job that we wanted and did not get, what if it was that bonus or raise we thought we were gonna get and didn't, what if it was that cute fella we just knew was going to be ours but turned out to be someone elses OR maybe, just maybe, we lost our spirit. ( our power and desire to praise and worship) Have any of those things happen to you??? TODAY.. let's press in to the one who gives us all things, blesses us with all things and who takes care of us in ALL THINGS.....

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