
I would like to say Welcome....... This blog has been established to encourage women to an abundant life of wellness, balance and unshakeable faith. You will find words of encouragement, bits of laughter, favorite quotes/sayings, health and wellness tips, new recipes and just plain ole girl fun.

Oh, for those of you who do not know the reason for "Queenie," ( hence the crown) my husband gave me that nick- name shortly after we started dating. I like to think that my Queen status gives me some pull around here and maybe sometimes it does. (ha)

It would just thrill me if you would SIGN UP and follow along. Feel free to join in with your comments. Your always welcome to send in your ideas and contribution to me at queeniescafe@gmail.com It would be my honor to hear from YOU.

Come on don't be shy... We need you to be a part of Queenie's Café'.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

5 AM and Waiting.........

What would you get up for at say 3:30 am? Get a bath, put makeup on and throw on your clothes to get out and fight traffic just to get to the door to see hundreds of other people pushing and shoving trying to be the very first in line?????? Did you do that this past Friday??? I saw photos on facebook of folks sitting in the aisles at Walmart, nose to nose in a line as far as you could see, grabbing wrist bands so you were assured a spot at the 5am sale. WAS THAT YOU??? I remember about 6 years ago I too did that same thing. The key word here is 6 years ago.LOL  It reminded me of a time that I even slept in a lawn chair outside the Mississippi Coliseum to purchase Tickets to see Michael Bolton for my sister.  HOW INSANE... Maybe when your young you just don't see it. I actally got sad  as I saw these photos on the web and listened to news reports of how folks got strampled and that more than ever folks had turned out for the BIG SALE. I wondered if today, SUNDAY, folks were getting up at 3am, 4 am or even 5am with the anticipation of worshipping our Lord and Savior today?? Do we want to beat the crowd this morning, do we want to get that front row seat, Are we running to him this morning?  The truth is we should want that front row seat every morning but somehow I think we have allowed our world to water down our time with God, our experience with God, our closeness with God , our whole concept of God.  My prayer for you and for me, is that we will have or find that much enthusiasm for Christ and that we will RUN to him... Hoping to receive everything He has to SELL. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Are you a Victim??

 Have you ever felt like a Victim? A real Victim. Have you  clung to something ( the hurt and pain)  in your life when you thought you were a Victim.. Have you used it to have an attitude, used it to be filled with unforgiveness or possibly allowed a "bitter root" to rise up because of it. Negative energy is heavy... It pulls us down.

A Merry Heart does the soul good. It is sometimes hard to let go of the hurts of this life and welcome the positive things God has to offer.  You can do it with God's help.... with his hand. He can take what you have hidden on the inside and make it GOOD.  Allow God to heal you, allow God to pull up the bitter root and replace it with his love.

Let Go and Let God.....

Don't be a Victim be a Victor.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


What direction is your life going? What does your life's compass say? Have you found yourself lost in a place that is unfamiliar, searching for a way out, a way to see the light, a way to do the right thing, to get on the right track, course?

Our world gets this way sometimes, too. Life happens in unexpected ways and the road we're traveling makes unexpected turns. Before long, we find ourselves in places we never anticipated, wondering exactly where we are. If we are not careful, we panic and make things even worse. At moments like this, we've got to trust that there is a bigger hand at the controls of our lives than our own.

I am not sure which direction my compass is pointing. I am forced to trust God in ways that I have never had to trust him -- to care for people over whom I have little influence and whose circumstances are beyond my control and whose future I cannot secure. More than ever, I am convicted of the importance of leading people to faith in Jesus, so I know they are in my forever family, the family of God's grace. Jesus is the only compass point that matters.

Read your compass today....

( shared thoughts from a devotional I received today)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I would like to INTRODUCE you to YOU GO GO GIRL... it is a place where Women can encourage one another. They have been busy, busy making new T-shirts. Cheryl May is the founder of this group and has been working and serving deligently to get the word out about their new SHIRTS. Please go to their Facebook page YGGG ( you go go girl) and click LIKE and follow along. You might want to grab up one of the Christmas Shirts. Below are a few more announcements from Cheryl herself.

New shirts coming out soon...1st of the year!

The Christmas shirt is our 7th design! :)

We love to DESIGN and GIVE!

I am taking orders for ALL COLORS AND STYLES in the silicone watches made famous by Sandra Bullock and featured by Oprah.

They will be up and posted tomorrow on the YGGG FB page.

$15-22. The Charity of Choice for the watches is "The Christmas Village" (which is a home that takes young girls in that choose to have their babies but have no family support...wonderful, wonderful charity!!!) $1.00 of EVERY watch will be donated to The Christmas Village!!



The Farmer's Almanac is predicting a very cold winter. It must be true because the squirrles are gathering NUTS..... three of my friends have disappeared...  ARE YOU OKAY??

( sent to me yesterday by a dear friend.. I couldn't resist reposting)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Re-Building your HOUSE....

Around the corner from where I live they were tearing down a house. I took notice every time I drove by. Then for some reason Friday I stopped and took a picture. It was sorta neat I suppose. One day the house was there and the next pretty much NOT. They torn into it with this big piece of machinery and in the blink of an eye it was GONE.   I began to ponder over what that pile of rubbish represented. How many times in our lives might we have been faced with our houses being torn down or torn apart? We have all experienced some kind of hurt and pain in our lives. When we do it affects our house. Not only the one we actually live in but also the one that lives in us. Our holy house. I have been pressing in for months now with GOD to free me of all my hurts and pains and to restore my house. Mainly the one inside of me. It is definately a journey, it takes a big piece of machinery.... it's name is GOD.. This morning as I drove by this lot, it is all clean, the rubbish is gone. A new plot, new ground , fresh dirt waiting for something to be built on.  IS that you this morning? Do you need a place to rebuild? He is there waiting on you. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE..... We will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

Sunday, November 7, 2010

REST IN HIM Isaiah 61: 1-3

God is waiting for you this morning on his day of worship for you to sit at his feet and rest in him. Allow him to talk to you today.  Feed on the Word.......

 Isaiah 61  is one of my favorite chapters in Isaiah.  vs 1-3 "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Becasue the Lord has annointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord; and the day of vengenance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."

Are you heavily burdened today? Have you lost your joy. He is waiting. He is sending someone to help restore you.... Sit at this feet and REST.....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Time to Write again.......

Funny how we allow the world to intercept our lives. Sorta like in a football game. You really don't see it coming. Someone or something just sorta sneaks up beside you and "grabs" your stuff right out of your hand. I started this Blog months ago and several of you caught on pretty quick and then I just disappeared. Got too busy doing life and doing things that did not matter. Well it wasn't that they didn't matter it was I allowed them to become more important than the things that really matter. Yeah, I know that was probably not proper English.(ha) anwyway... I'm speaking out today ...I'm coming back . This little "BLOG" is my little way of giving back.... Possibly giving you some "food for thought", some encouragement for Life and lead you step by step to "THE ONLY ONE" who can change your life. Let me introduce you to my friend "JESUS"... He is doing a great work in me and well hey... any of you who know me know that he definately had some work to do.. Please join me as we journey together. OH... it's 4am. That's when I get my best work done.  Love to all....